S2, E8: The COVID19 pep talk we all needed, from Dr. Pritesh Gandhi

Real talk: we almost didn't record this episode because we were all feeling freaked out and frankly unmotivated to do work-ish things. But OH were we glad we did. Not only did it feel so good to connect with each other, we loved the upbeat words of wisdom from our guest, Dr. Pritesh Gandhi. He is on the front lines working directly with patients as a physician and the associate chief medical officer at a nonprofit community health clinic in East Austin, where he’s leading the COVID19 response. He's also running for Congress in TX-10 in his spare time.


Dr. Pritesh Gandhi, public health professional, & associate CMO leading the COVID19 response at a community health center in Austin. Running for Congress in TX10.

His Facebook Live Q&As on the Coronavirus situation are so great: https://www.facebook.com/PriteshGandhiMD/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/priteshgandhimd

Website: https://www.gandhifortexas.com/


Download the Blue Squad App & follow The Rabble podcast to find this week's mission. If you do the most missions, we'll shout you out on the podcast!: https://bluesquad.page.link/XSCR



Facebook Live Living Room Dance Party with DJ Mel: https://facebook.com/events/s/the-living-room-dance-party-wi/592731694656719/?ti=ia

Resources for helping those hardest hit by COVID19 in Texas (message us if you have more to add!):

The Giveback Initiative collects donations to fund projects by non-profits... that then hire out-of-work folks to complete them! WIN WIN WIN! https://www.hitchinghamgroup.com/giveback-what-we-do

Central Texas Diaper Bank can no longer rely on community drives to collect diapers, and they are hard to find in stores. So they need funds to be able to purchase directly from manufacturers: http://www.texasdiaperbank.org/

ATX Servers & Bartenders Direct Relief Fund: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ATXservers/

National Domestic Workers Alliance Coronavirus Care Tund for in-home care workers like nannies, house cleaners and others who often lack health care, paid sick leave & job security: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/coronavirus-care-fund?refcode=covidfundhomepage

Foster a shelter animal to reduce the need for shelter staff to come in: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/foster?utm_source=Coronavirus%20Blog&utm_medium=Foster_Coronavirus&utm_campaign=Coronavirus%202020

Blood donations are urgently needed: https://weareblood.org/

Food banks need donations and volunteers: https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/

Donate to Meals on Wheels: https://www.mealsonwheelscentraltexas.org/about-us/article/messages-regarding-covid-19

Foundation Communities needs donations to help their clients experiencing lost wages: https://foundcom.org/get-involved/donate-emergency-fund/

Austin Councilmember Greg Casar’s office has compiled this extensive list of resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qPyiN1eNI-XxqVBLHxtYbdb585U5fhK630-OXnI4T1U/mobilebasic

Help Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA) check on your neighbours who may be at risk of domestic abuse, which can be heightened because of financial distress and xenophobia (against Asian communities). Share the AFSSA hotline - 1-877-281-8371. If you can provide pro-bono, remote counseling services, email info@afssaustin.org. Donate: http://www.afssaustin.org/crisis-response/?blm_aid=136290

Join Grassroots Leadership in advocating for marginalized communities, including women detained at T. Don Hutto detention center with their children and those navigating the criminal legal system: http://grassrootsleadership.org/blog/2020/03/covid-19-reaches-austin-heres-how-we-are-taking-care-our-community-and-ourselves

Join the Disaster Recovery Housing Coalition and advocate on behalf of people experiencing homelessness and low-income households: https://nlihc.org/coronavirus-and-housing-homelessness

Sign up for a neighbor to neighbor virtual phonebank to check on seniors with the Travis County Democratic Party: https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/263264/?referring_vol=585666&rname=Gen&share_context=event-detail-page-modal&share_medium=copy_link