Day 46: Daily Democracy Challenge (0 Days 'til Election)

The moment we've been waiting FOUR FRICKING YEARS FOR is HERE!!! It's Election Day 2020! We're all a little anxious, so we wanted to offer up some calming ASMR at the end of today's episode. You're welcome... ?


We know voter suppression is real, plus there are a lot of first-time voters and first-time poll workers out there, so even in the most innocent cases there are gonna be some serious questions arising this Election Day. 

Your mission today is easy: share share share the voter protection hotline numbers! We made a graphic that we posted to our social accounts @therabbletx, so you can re-share that. Or just share these numbers wherever you see a voting question arise:

  • If you have questions or would like to report a problem, please call 844-TX-VOTES for assistance in English or Spanish.

  • Non-partisan organizations also provide assistance in other languages:

    • For Asian Languages, call 888-API-VOTE.

    • For Arabic, call 844-YALLA-US.

    • For American Sign Language (video call), call 301-818-VOTE

Found a friend in TX who hasn't voted yet? Send 'em our voter guide, which has a description of each elected office in addition to our endorsements: