Day 35: Daily Democracy Challenge (11 Days 'til Election)

Only 11 more days until Election Day, and early voting is going on now through October 30!  We gotta make these last days count.


Okay, we are nervous about what these early voting numbers are saying about who is driving the huge turnout in Texas... we aren't getting young folks and new voters out at high enough rates if we really want to flip this state. So we need to recruit our friends to volunteer so we can turn out ALL the votes!!

We are down to the last 2 weekends to volunteer, and we love the resources and volunteer opportunities Swing Left has to offer:

Invite your friends to join you!

Don't have time to volunteer? Donate to the Swing Left Immediate Impact Fund, which will be split between a bunch of awesome candidates in Texas.

Know anyone who hasn't voted yet and might some additional info? Send 'em our voter guide: